不知為什麼,總習慣把surprise想成驚喜,大約和surprise party有關。surprise party都是讓人開心的,所以surprise是個好字。
其實不然,字典裡這麼說:the feeling caused by an unexpected event.並沒有說它是讓人高興的意外,還是讓人不高興的意外。
所以若要精確表達,你那討厭的朋友忽然上門,你不妨想:What an unpleasant surprise! 反之,可人兒忽然出現,就要說What a pleasant surprise!
另外,你的孩子、朋友,屬下有了出人意表的表現,別說I am surprised,言下之意,你對他們原本並不看好,該說I am impressed.才是真正的讚美
2009年2月20日 星期五
2009年2月18日 星期三
the gleaners or gleaners
在名畫旁邊,另有一塊板子,密密麻麻寫著一些字,沒有人會注意這塊牌子,除了我這個英文老師。板子上寫的是,the gleaner or gleaner? 敍及當時社會為這幅畫的名稱,還掀起一場讑戰。什麼?就為了多一個或少一個the?
原來,這幅畫表達的是當時法國農村貧苦的生活,至於這些可憐的女人是法國普遍現象還是畫家個人所見,關鍵就在於定冠詞the. 沒有the,表示沒有界定,法國有很多這樣的農村景象,女人以拾穂為生,政治當權著當然不願意「家醜外揚」,有the,表示這個拾穂景象有特定性,大約是畫家個人所見,也許是他在路上看到的,或是在家鄉看到的,總之,範圍大大縮小,這樣,當權者就比較安心了。
名詞前面加the,就把這個名詞限定在一定範圍內,你寫一本書,書名People Are Nice,這是說「大家都是好人」,書名The People Are Nice,涵意是有一群特定的人是好人,至於是哪一群特定的人,那麼就是這本書的賣點了。我敢打賭,沒有一家出版社會出版書名為「People Are Nice」的書。
2009年2月16日 星期一
Don't Miss an Evening of Laughter and Reflection with Carol Burnett
A Conversation with Carol Where the Audience Asks the Questions
Carol Buenett是美國六、七十年代著名女諧星,我看過她很多電視表演,表演天份真是沒話說,不過她年紀大了,我並沒有興趣去看她, 這則廣告吸引我的,其實是最後兩個字the questions. 為何不用questions 而用the questions?
the questions,則是指大家關心,注意的那些問題,由於Carol年高德韶,是美國娛樂界的偶像,她的人生必然有許多值得借鏡之處,也必然有許多民眾感興趣的問題,所以用the questions來把它界定一下,同時也增加這場名人演講的重要性及吸引力。
Don't Miss an Evening of Laughter and Reflection with Carol Burnett
A Conversation with Carol Where the Audience Asks the Questions
Carol Buenett是美國六、七十年代著名女諧星,我看過她很多電視表演,表演天份真是沒話說,不過她年紀大了,我並沒有興趣去看她, 這則廣告吸引我的,其實是最後兩個字the questions. 為何不用questions 而用the questions?
the questions,則是指大家關心,注意的那些問題,由於Carol年高德韶,是美國娛樂界的偶像,她的人生必然有許多值得借鏡之處,也必然有許多民眾感興趣的問題,所以用the questions來把它界定一下,同時也增加這場名人演講的重要性及吸引力。
2009年2月15日 星期日
當我寫清末英文小說「大宅門」時,我手邊放著一本Gone with the Wind (選這本書是因為該書描述細膩,而且和我的小說時代相同),文思一枯竭就看看別人怎麼開頭,細描,結束,只要不抄襲,這完全是合法、合情、合理及極富效益的。
坊開有很多這類書,writing samples for all occasions,可是我更喜歡真人真文。下面是我收到的朋友換工作的email,寫得很好,經得同意,她讓我放在這裡供大家參考。當我換工作時,我也要依著這個來寫。
如果你是專業人士,這類通知都要寫得很正式,所謂正式,就是style, 用字,語法都要正式。
your name
your office tel number
your cell phone number
Dear friends:
I am pleased to announce that I have joined your new company office in Cupertino in Silicon Valley. I look forward to bringing the capabilities of the one of the world’s largest premier financial institution and wealth manager into our relationship, to continue to meet your goals and needs, as I have done in past years.
I am very excited to be part of the a global organization with over 700 offices in 40 countries serving over 59 million consumers and businesses bringing expertise that include debt and equity underwriting, lending, liquidity and payments management. Together, your new company will have 20,000 financial advisors serving clients with approximately $2 trillion assets.
I look forward to being able to service you in your financial needs; please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.
My work phone number is your number (direct)
My cell phone number is your number (cell)
your name
the company's name
telephones numbers
當我寫清末英文小說「大宅門」時,我手邊放著一本Gone with the Wind (選這本書是因為該書描述細膩,而且和我的小說時代相同),文思一枯竭就看看別人怎麼開頭,細描,結束,只要不抄襲,這完全是合法、合情、合理及極富效益的。
坊開有很多這類書,writing samples for all occasions,可是我更喜歡真人真文。下面是我收到的朋友換工作的email,寫得很好,經得同意,她讓我放在這裡供大家參考。當我換工作時,我也要依著這個來寫。
如果你是專業人士,這類通知都要寫得很正式,所謂正式,就是style, 用字,語法都要正式。
your name
your office tel number
your cell phone number
Dear friends:
I am pleased to announce that I have joined your new company office in Cupertino in Silicon Valley. I look forward to bringing the capabilities of the one of the world’s largest premier financial institution and wealth manager into our relationship, to continue to meet your goals and needs, as I have done in past years.
I am very excited to be part of the a global organization with over 700 offices in 40 countries serving over 59 million consumers and businesses bringing expertise that include debt and equity underwriting, lending, liquidity and payments management. Together, your new company will have 20,000 financial advisors serving clients with approximately $2 trillion assets.
I look forward to being able to service you in your financial needs; please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.
My work phone number is your number (direct)
My cell phone number is your number (cell)
your name
the company's name
telephones numbers
2009年2月13日 星期五
有個多事的美國人專門搜集中國和日本可笑的英文翻譯標示,並成立Engrish.com,以博天下一笑,這個網站還有產品出售呢。 有些標示,真可謂天下奇句,如果照那指示去做,可能淹死、毒死及臭死。
小心墜河,Carefully fall to the river 中文原意是,小心!你會掉到河裡去,結果英文告示卻是要人「小心地掉到河裡去」,於是成了大笑話。
1. 矽谷資深工程師,英文很好,他先大笑三聲,然後開始watch out, beware一下子沒說出所以然。半小時後他說,就寫 Keep off the bank.
2. 十八歲ABC,他想了一會,說,英文不這麼說,在美國都是畫圖,如小心彎道,就畫一彎道,小心野鹿,就畫一隻跳躍的野鹿,同理可証,告示上應該畫個可憐人哇哇哭的掉到河裡。
3. 一名十幾歲就來美國,至今仍不斷自修英文的寫作班朋友,她說,簡單,Be careful not to fall into the river.
說起「小心」,還有一點小觀察。若有人在過馬路,一輛車朝他開來,你該怎麼示警? 美國人會喊Watch out! 華人可能會喊Be careful!Be careful!也不能說錯,只是有點緩不濟急的味道。Be careful是要人眼觀四面,耳聽八方,小心行事。人陷車陣中,大難臨頭,還要人小心行事,不是有點廢話嗎?
綜合酥 Complicated cake 心情會複雜、人格會複雜,問題會複雜,電影小說會複雜,政治經濟會複雜,可是沒聽過食物會複雜。Complicated的意思是很難了解或處理,有「棘手」的意思,所以把complicated cake翻譯回來,就是很棘手的一塊糕餅,這種糕餅,不吃也罷。
酸菜包 Acid Food 賣acid food的餐館,不僅衛生部門要派人調查,聯邦調查員也必然駕到,罪名:公然販賣有毒食物。 Acid雖然可當酸味道來說,不過它更普遍的解釋,就是化學名詞,含有hydrogen的腐蝕性酸, 吃這種食物基本上是不想活了。拜託,寫pickled cabbage bun不就好了嗎?
本公廁為免沖式,請您便後離開即可 This WC is free of washing, please leave off after pissing or shitting. 無解
小心墜河,Carefully fall to the river 中文原意是,小心!你會掉到河裡去,結果英文告示卻是要人「小心地掉到河裡去」,於是成了大笑話。
1. 矽谷資深工程師,英文很好,他先大笑三聲,然後開始watch out, beware一下子沒說出所以然。半小時後他說,就寫 Keep off the bank.
2. 十八歲ABC,他想了一會,說,英文不這麼說,在美國都是畫圖,如小心彎道,就畫一彎道,小心野鹿,就畫一隻跳躍的野鹿,同理可証,告示上應該畫個可憐人哇哇哭的掉到河裡。
3. 一名十幾歲就來美國,至今仍不斷自修英文的寫作班朋友,她說,簡單,Be careful not to fall into the river.
說起「小心」,還有一點小觀察。若有人在過馬路,一輛車朝他開來,你該怎麼示警? 美國人會喊Watch out! 華人可能會喊Be careful!Be careful!也不能說錯,只是有點緩不濟急的味道。Be careful是要人眼觀四面,耳聽八方,小心行事。人陷車陣中,大難臨頭,還要人小心行事,不是有點廢話嗎?
綜合酥 Complicated cake 心情會複雜、人格會複雜,問題會複雜,電影小說會複雜,政治經濟會複雜,可是沒聽過食物會複雜。Complicated的意思是很難了解或處理,有「棘手」的意思,所以把complicated cake翻譯回來,就是很棘手的一塊糕餅,這種糕餅,不吃也罷。
酸菜包 Acid Food 賣acid food的餐館,不僅衛生部門要派人調查,聯邦調查員也必然駕到,罪名:公然販賣有毒食物。 Acid雖然可當酸味道來說,不過它更普遍的解釋,就是化學名詞,含有hydrogen的腐蝕性酸, 吃這種食物基本上是不想活了。拜託,寫pickled cabbage bun不就好了嗎?
本公廁為免沖式,請您便後離開即可 This WC is free of washing, please leave off after pissing or shitting. 無解
2009年2月12日 星期四
1. 初入情網,腦中全是對未來美好的想像,這時,用現在及將來式就足夠了。少年Beatles這樣唱:Oh, yeah, I'll tell you something/ I think you'll understand / When I say that something, I want to hold you hand .../ and when I touch you I feel happy inside/ It's such a feeling that my love, I can't hide, I can't hide ... /And please, say to me, you'll let me hold your hand ... (I Want to Hold Your Hand)
如果你也是初入情網,寫出你的感覺吧,隨便寫都成,像這樣:Oh, beautiful girl, look at me, you'll find I am a very sweet guy ...
2. 戀愛後回味當日,仍是非常甜蜜,Beatles用過去式繼續唱道:
Well, she was just 17,
You know what I mean,
And the way she looked was way beyond compare.
So how could I dance with another (ooh) When I saw her standin' there.
Well she looked at me, and I, I could see
That before too long I'd fall in love with her.
She wouldn't dance with another (whooh)When I saw her standin' there.
Well, my heart went "boom,"
When I crossed that room,
And I held her hand in mine... (I Saw Her Standing There)
你也寫出你初遇見她時的感覺吧,When she was 20, I met her at a coffee shop, the way she looked at me, ooh ... my heart took a flight to the moon ...
1. 初入情網,腦中全是對未來美好的想像,這時,用現在及將來式就足夠了。少年Beatles這樣唱:Oh, yeah, I'll tell you something/ I think you'll understand / When I say that something, I want to hold you hand .../ and when I touch you I feel happy inside/ It's such a feeling that my love, I can't hide, I can't hide ... /And please, say to me, you'll let me hold your hand ... (I Want to Hold Your Hand)
如果你也是初入情網,寫出你的感覺吧,隨便寫都成,像這樣:Oh, beautiful girl, look at me, you'll find I am a very sweet guy ...
2. 戀愛後回味當日,仍是非常甜蜜,Beatles用過去式繼續唱道:
Well, she was just 17,
You know what I mean,
And the way she looked was way beyond compare.
So how could I dance with another (ooh) When I saw her standin' there.
Well she looked at me, and I, I could see
That before too long I'd fall in love with her.
She wouldn't dance with another (whooh)When I saw her standin' there.
Well, my heart went "boom,"
When I crossed that room,
And I held her hand in mine... (I Saw Her Standing There)
你也寫出你初遇見她時的感覺吧,When she was 20, I met her at a coffee shop, the way she looked at me, ooh ... my heart took a flight to the moon ...
On, 2007, more event computer expo. She is sexy promotion girl for this moment. Two finger from sweet and nice girl, looking her pose, funny and just fun.
要我給他評語,我會寫:Why did you bother to use English?
1. 首先:若干句子不成立,一句一動詞,第一句話沒有動詞,犯了大錯,more event computer expo什麼意思?On 2007,年度一定用in, in 2007 .也許他想說的是In 2007, there were more computer expositions than before.
2. She is sexy promotion girl for this moment. 一定要有冠詞a才通,這是許多同胞常犯的錯誤。for this moment, 意思變成這個女孩要推銷的,是this moment,可能嗎?She is a sexy girl promoting this event.
3. Two fingers,兩隻手指,別忘了複數,這句話到結束也沒有動詞,根本不是句子,所以我就看不懂了,只好猜作者的意思,也許他想說的是Making a V gesture, she looks very lovely.
照片中女孩子清楚的伸出兩隻手指,其實說明時不必再說two fingers, 畫蛇添足,中英文都一樣。另外funny也是個被濫用的字,funny就是好笑、滑稽的意思,你可以說She is a lot of fun,說和這個女人相處很有趣,若說she is funny,就是說她很好笑,似乎她像個小丑。
On, 2007, more event computer expo. She is sexy promotion girl for this moment. Two finger from sweet and nice girl, looking her pose, funny and just fun.
要我給他評語,我會寫:Why did you bother to use English?
1. 首先:若干句子不成立,一句一動詞,第一句話沒有動詞,犯了大錯,more event computer expo什麼意思?On 2007,年度一定用in, in 2007 .也許他想說的是In 2007, there were more computer expositions than before.
2. She is sexy promotion girl for this moment. 一定要有冠詞a才通,這是許多同胞常犯的錯誤。for this moment, 意思變成這個女孩要推銷的,是this moment,可能嗎?She is a sexy girl promoting this event.
3. Two fingers,兩隻手指,別忘了複數,這句話到結束也沒有動詞,根本不是句子,所以我就看不懂了,只好猜作者的意思,也許他想說的是Making a V gesture, she looks very lovely.
照片中女孩子清楚的伸出兩隻手指,其實說明時不必再說two fingers, 畫蛇添足,中英文都一樣。另外funny也是個被濫用的字,funny就是好笑、滑稽的意思,你可以說She is a lot of fun,說和這個女人相處很有趣,若說she is funny,就是說她很好笑,似乎她像個小丑。
2009年2月11日 星期三
Moonlight on the Colorado
寫英文最大問題是時態不清,發生在過去的事就用過去式,發生在現在的就用現在式,這是一般說法,也是沒什麼大用的說法,問題是,在中文腦筋中,什麼是發生在過去的事?在課堂中,學生寫道:I come to this class to improve my English,我說,要改成I came to this class to improve my English,學生大惑不解,老師,我不是「現在」明明坐在這兒嗎?
Moonlight on the Colorado是一首很美的美國名謠,也是學時態的好例子:
Moonlight on the river of Colorado
How I wish that I were there with you
As I sit and pine, each lonely shadow,
Takes me back to the day we once knew. (前面用了once, 這裡非用過去式knew不可)
We were to wed, in harvest time you said,(海誓山盟己是雲煙)
That' why I'm longing for you (可憐的人,現在還在等)
When it's moonlight on the Colorado
Wonder if you're waiting for me, too.
這首歌和很多情歌一樣,觸景傷情,觸的是現在的景,傷的是過去的情,所以歌詞中現在過去式並存。 用現在或過去式,用邏輯去想即可,重要的是,要去「想」這個問題
Moonlight on the Colorado是一首很美的美國名謠,也是學時態的好例子:
Moonlight on the river of Colorado
How I wish that I were there with you
As I sit and pine, each lonely shadow,
Takes me back to the day we once knew. (前面用了once, 這裡非用過去式knew不可)
We were to wed, in harvest time you said,(海誓山盟己是雲煙)
That' why I'm longing for you (可憐的人,現在還在等)
When it's moonlight on the Colorado
Wonder if you're waiting for me, too.
這首歌和很多情歌一樣,觸景傷情,觸的是現在的景,傷的是過去的情,所以歌詞中現在過去式並存。 用現在或過去式,用邏輯去想即可,重要的是,要去「想」這個問題
2009年2月7日 星期六
這半年來都在做三句型英文教材,用Photoshop 和Powerpoint一起做,趣味盎然。
文章 (Atom)